Abrsm singapore ultimate guide is a music examination board that offers graded music qualifications from beginner to diploma level. Their exams are reputed to have high standards and rigorous evaluation of musicianship and technical proficiency. The exams are popular amongst music students and piano teachers in Singapore. Jenny, a home instructor with extensive experience in teaching the ABRSM Piano diploma exam in Singapore, shares some tips to help music students excel at their ABRSM exams.Read more: https://www.lvlmusicacademy.com/abrsm-singapore-ultimate-guide/
Is ABRSM level 8 hard?
During COVID, ABRSM introduced online Performance Grade exams, an alternative to face-to-face practical exams. These exams allow candidates to submit a video recording of their performance that will be assessed remotely by an examiner. The online performance exams are graded the same as traditional practical grades and have the same entry levels from 1 to 8.
When recording your video, make sure it is well lit and has a clear view of both hands and instrument. The video should also be in HD and have a good audio quality. It is important to follow the guidelines provided by ABRSM for submitting your performance, as not complying with the guidelines may result in a decrease in marks or even rejection of the video.
For the aural test, it is best to speak clearly and slowly. This helps the examiner to understand your pronunciation and pronunciation is also one of the criteria for scoring higher. It is also a good idea to write down your score after the exam, so you can work on any areas for improvement.